Uniform Lists
Girls Uniform List
Note: The school has in stock or can help with suppliers of the school uniform, so please contact the school first for this information before buying!
Dress (below the knee in length), contact school to order
Plain white school ankle socks (no patterns)
Black leather school shoes
Bottle green or black ONLY hair ribbons or bands
School hat – bottle green with LOGO – available from the school
Tartan pinafore (below the knee or longer in length), contact school to order
Optional for SENIORS ONLY – skirt in school tartan (below the knee or longer in length), contact school to order
Gold long-sleeved blouse – available from the school
Bottle green V-neck jumper or pullover-may place order at school
Knee-high bottle green socks (have at school) or stockings
Bottle green parka
Plain Gold Polo Shirt– available from the school
Bottle green culottes or shorts - Seniors (no more than 6 cm above knee)
Bottle green tracksuit pants
Bottle green round neck jumper
White ankle socks (no patterns)
Plain Black joggers
Note: No jewellery except a wristwatch; plain studs or sleepers if pierced ears are allowed. This is for your child’s safety.
Boys Uniform List
Note: The school has in stock or can help with suppliers of the school uniform, so please contact the school first for this information before buying!
MIDFORD mid-green short-sleeve shirt, open neck; (Available at school)
Grey school shorts
Black leather school shoes
Knee-high grey socks with green/gold stripes at the top; (Available at school)
School hat, bottle green with LOGO (Available at school)
Long grey school trousers Note - cords or jean material NOT SUITABLE
Grey school socks, as above
Black leather school shoes
Bottle green V-neck jumper or Bottle green V-neck Pullover-see school
MIDFORD mid-green long-sleeve shirt (Available at school)
Tie - gold/green stripe (Available at school)
Bottle Green Parka
Bottle green shorts
Plain gold polo shirt
Plain Black joggers
White ankle socks
Bottle green tracksuit pants
Bottle green round neck jumper
Note: No jewellery except a wristwatch.